So, I am going to continue my series of Getting Started with React native in this section we would learn how to use images in the bare workflow of react-native. well, I would not be using Expo here since it has its own expo camera.
just fire up your terminal and ```npx react-native init cameraApp
also, remember to install react native camera
```npx i react-native-camera
now since everything is ready .. just set up your Rn app. the basic idea here is that I would be using State to store the image and React-native-camera to click that image.
const[image,setImage] = useState(null) ;
now I will define a function takeimage which will take camera as a input and set state of our image to the image URL also this function will decide the quality of our image .
const takePicture = async (camera) => {
const options = {quality: 0.7 , base64:false};
const data = await camera.takePictureAsync(options);
now in my app function, I would be using Conditional Rendering in the image if the image is present I would be displaying the image and if the image is not present then the camera would open and it would prompt the user to take an image. also, I would be using various props of RNcamera component like
- flashMode which allows us to set the flash option of the camera.
- captureAudio which allow us to capture audio (remember to set it to false otherwise it would give warning or errors)
- androidCameraPermissionOptions helps us to customize the condition message so you can tell user why you need that permission.
the code for this looks like this....
{image ? (
<View style={styles.preview}>
<Text style={styles.camText}>Here is your new profile image.</Text>
<Image style={styles.clicked} source={{uri:image,width: '90%',height:'50%'}}/>
) :
(<RNCamera style={styles.preview}
title:"Permission to use camera",
message:"longer text to display msg",
buttonPositive: "Hola",
buttonNegative: "Nopa", }}
if(status !=="READY") return <PendingView/>
<View style={{flex:0,flexDirection:"row",justifyContent:"center"}}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.capture} onPress={()=>(takePicture(camera))}><Text>Capture</Text></TouchableOpacity>
also now i want to add a change profile image option so i would can use a button here use call back to call setImage function which would set image to null thus conditional rendering will come into play and it would reopen the camera option.
<Button title="Click new pic" onPress={()=>{setImage(null)}} ></Button>
In case you want the whole code here